• Up and Down

     single-channel digitalvideo (colour, sound), 4K

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    The artist draws inspiration from the perspective of asecurity guard (a rural migrant worker in the city), the daily maintenance worker of the building. Inspired by the security guard's collective effort to repair a leak after a heavy rainstorm, the artist photographed a security guard carrying an iron bucket and an umbrella roaming around in different spaces, making use of spatial changes to explore and present the complexities of urban and rural, present and past, memories and experiences during the period of rapid development of China's urbanization (from 1978 to present).

  • Myth Practice

     single-channel digital video, (colour, sound), 4K 10 min. 36 sec.

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    Takinginto account the characteristics of the Moerenuma park and its historical background, the artist invited Umi, the manager of the resident organization S-AIR, to take part in the exercise of pushing a rock up a hill in imitation of Sisyphus, and truthfully recorded the many "failure" experiences of the participant and the "failure" of pushing a snowball up the hill, exploring the individual's life experience of daily and eternal, meaning and absurdity.

  • Cinema Paradiso

     digital video projection, (colour, sound), HD;-channel digitalvideo (colour, sound), 4K,CRT projector, DVD, audio transmitter,iron arms, sand 23 min. 08 se 2017-2018

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    Thebackground of the work comes from a friend of the artist, whose family operated a video hall in Yangjiang, Guangdong for more than ten years. In the 1980s and 1990s, such video halls were very popular in many small and medium-sized cities in China, becoming the first choice for locals and migrant workers to spend their leisure time. With the development of technology and economy, large cinemas were established and small video halls gradually disappeared. The artist visited the families that used to run video halls, and used an old three-gun projector imported from Italy as the body of a gigantic crab installation, projecting images of memories related to video halls, linking up a piece of family memories, and attempting to reconstruct the phantom of a bygone era.

  • Superfluous Light

     single-channel digitalvideo, (colour, sound), 4K

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    A lighthouse built by theBritish in 1870 to guide ships has been shining 360° in the East China Sea in the Pacific Ocean for 150 years, and half of the time the lights have been thrown inefficiently towards the mountains behind the lighthouse. The artist pondered what was illuminated by the light that kept appearing and fading into the mountains and forests all night for 150 years. More than 4,000 image sequences were taken with different shutter speeds and frequencies throughout the night, connecting the moments when the mountains were illuminated into continuous time streams,forming a unique light show of the mountains at night by the sea, while also responding to the night and light in the past 150 years.

  •  Palace

    Single Channel Video, Color, Sound, 27’54”, HD, 2016
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    浙江横店影视城的明清宫,是按照北京故宫1:1比例复制的,专门为拍摄明清宫廷影视剧而建造的“假故 宫”。普通人对明清两代宫殿和历史的印象基本来自于宫廷影视剧,而非真正的历史发生地北京紫禁城。 我按照一般游客的行走路线游览了北京故宫并采集了环境声音,然后根据采集的音频时间节奏拍摄了横店 明清宫的游览视频,并将其合成为一部影片。当观看影片时,能听到不同的导游质疑电视剧里历史的真实 性,而影视剧所呈现的历史现场和真实历史发生的现场在游客眼中形成了某种错位的经验。


    The Palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties at Hengdian World Studios in Zhejiang Province is a 1:1 copy of the Forbidden City in Beijing. It is a “Fake Forbidden City” built specifically for filming movies and television series set in the palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Ordinary people get an impression of the palaces as well as the history of Ming and Qing Dynasties from those movies and television programs, instead of from the real place where the history has actually taken place: the Forbidden City in Beijing. I travelled in the Forbidden City in Beijing along a common route that tourists would usually take, and collected the sounds of the environment. Then based on the tempo of those audio recordings I collected, I filmed a tourist video at the Palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Hengdian, then synthetized the audio file and the video into one piece of video work. When the audiences watch the video, they could hear different tourist guides questioning the facticity of history demonstrated in television series, whereas the tourists experience a sort of displacement due to the historical scenes from movies and television shows as well as the real place where the real history has happened.


     Single Channel Video, Black & White, Sound, 8’12”, HD, 2014
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    这件影像作品在一个建筑工地拍摄完成,在工地上有三十多 名工人被要求穿戴上士兵的军服和头盔,然后各自照常从事 平时的工作。镜头只做客观记录,但在他们中间安排了一名 表演士兵的演员,这样工人们不自觉的进入到了一个虚构的 影像叙述中。


    This video was made in a building site. About 30 workman in soldier’s uniforms and helmets as required work as usual. The camera record objectively, but there was an actor among these workers and then these men would putting themselves in a virtual video situation unconsciously.

  • Undercurrent 2016

     Single Channel Video, Color and Black & White, Sound, 11’02”, HD, 2016
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    2012年我拍摄了关于患有梦游症的小外甥的一个影像作品,名为《暗流2012》。时值五年,小男孩从五岁 长成十岁,仍有轻度梦游症。我在思考他现实的世界不断变化,而梦游中的世界是否也随之隐秘的发生了 许多不为人知的故事?于是便有了《暗流2016》,可以说是梦境与现实一起成长的片子。片中长大的小男 孩沿着一条河流行进,途中遭遇了许多行色匆匆的各种人物,包括13年《惊|蛰》中的人物和12年的他自己, 以及另外一个奔跑的小男孩。这就像一个平行空间,各行其是,互不相扰。


    In 2012, I made a video work entitled Undercurrent 2012 of my little nephew who was having somnambulism. After five years, the little boy has grown from a 5-year-old to a 10-year-old, and he still bears with slight somnambulism. I was thinking, with his real world constantly changing, would there be any unknown stories that happened secretly in his sleepwalk world? That is where Undercurrent 2016 came from. One could say this is a video where dreams and reality develop together. In the video work, the boy who is now older walks along a river, and he comes across many characters that are walking in haste, including those from my 2013 work The Waking of Insects and himself from the work Undercurrent 2012, as well as another little boy, running. It is like a parallel space, where everything acts in its own way, and does not bother each other.

  • Undercurrent 2012

    SingleChannel Video, Color and Black & White, Sound, 9’51”, HD, 2012
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    Beforethis work’s start, I found my nephew was suffering from severe somnambulism. He always got up and keeping walking the house here and there, and during that time he was totally overwhelming in night dreams that no one can awake him or get idea of what the dream was. That’s why I mixed my imagination into his
    dream by letting him act as being in the dreams to make a virtual sleepwalk.

  • Hibernation

     Double Channels Video,Color,Sound, HD, 2014 Video A - 5’43’’, Video B – 6’04”
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    彩色 有声 HD 2014

    视频A 6分04秒

    视频B 5分43秒


    Double Channels Video,Color,Sound, HD, 2014

    Video A - 5’43’’, Video B – 6’04”




    This work composed of two screens to display in two spaces. This work inspired from the uniform of workers from building site: they were usually in a camouflage uniform and a helmet and looked like a soldier. I chatted with two workers and understood they had been soldiers 30 years ago. in this work, one worker would in the usual uniform and another in real soldier’s. they played similar stories in different screens to show what happed in every section during the working night in building site. The camera shots lens and clips of the two videos have no difference and will be displayed in circulation by the way of connected start and end.

  • The Waking of Insects

    color,sound,singlechannel version,8’40”,threechannels version, 8’15”,2013,HD

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    《惊|蛰》这部作品依然是在我的老家取材拍摄完成的,其中里面的演员和动物都是来自我小时候生活过的 那个镇上。影片中一直在黑夜里四散奔跑的人可能是某个事件的一个片段,就像我们的生活一样,本来就 很难知道因果。我们就像那头公猪一样,并不知道自己真的要做什么,却同样遭遇着那些奔跑的人们。对 于公猪来说,在我们镇上它的任务是每天去和不同的母猪交配,当它出门却并没有做往常能做的事,而是 孤独的面对黑夜,不知所措,没有谁能揣测它在想什么,接下来会发生什么。


    The work "The Waking of Insects" is still shot in my hometown, whose materials, including the inside of the actor and the animals are from the town I lived when I was a little boy. The people that scattered in the dark in the film may be an aspect of an event, like our life that is hard to know cause and effect. We don't know what we really want to do just like the boar, but also encounter the people who ran. For the boar, whose task was to go out and mate every day in our town, did not do what it could do as usual when it went out, but in the face of the dark, lonely. No one could surmise what it was thinking about and what would happen next.


  • Low Temperature

    Single channel video, color, sound, 12’42”, HD, 2013.

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    单频录像、彩色、有声、12分42秒、2013、HD 。




    The film is sponsored by JNBY. Centered around an imagined resurrection of a costume dummy, the film is not only is shot in a "low temperature" , but more importantly, it is a metaphor of the relationship amongst all the characters, objects and unidentified life organs in the film, which is a cold, unfamiliar and distant one. They are just passers-by in each other's life and there's no way that communication or exchange can take place.

  • Seeds Of Fire

     single channel video, color, sound, 7’ 05”, 2012, HD

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    单频录像、彩色、有声、7分05秒、2012、HD 。


    这个作品主要在一栋被拆迁破坏过的民房里拍摄完成的。其中出现的一些小动物们也许是户主遗弃下来没 带走,抑或是它们并不想离开,总之它们留在了这个砖瓦泥沙堆积的空楼里,在某个夜晚,它们遇见了躺 在楼板破洞口碎砖头上的人,可能是它们的主人,也许是睡了,或者是昏迷。将要发生什么,却未可知。


    It was a destructed house where this work be taken. There were some animals then, maybe they were abandoned by the house-owner, or maybe they do not want to leave, all in all, they stay there, a broken building with piles of bricks, sands and tiles. One night , they meet a guy lying on his back on shattered bricks, maybe he was their owner and fall asleep, or maybe he is unconscious. No one knows what will be happen.


  • Warm current

     Single Channel Video, Color and Black & white, Sound, 8’47”, HD, 2012.

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    In a isolated spring water, a cock on a branch was looking around, a dog hopping around in the water. ey seemed unfamiliar and uncomfortable in this situation and didn’t care about what the other was doing, and we have no idea about this secret.

  • Yellow Light District

     single channel video, color, sound, 5’58”, 2011, HD.

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    在一个荒山野岭中,一些被禁锢着的双脚从破损的墙壁里伸出来, 无从获得其生命迹象信息。而穿着制服的足浴服务员则一一给他们提供了足底和脚部清洗和按摩。这些足部保健对于这些脚来说,显得仓促而又无效。


    In a barren land, several couples of detained feet are sticking out from the broken wall, however vital signs can not be told. A uniformed foot bath attendant gives them foot washing and massage one by one. For these feet foot care appears hasty and invalid.

  • Thaw

     single channel video,colour,sound,5min 58sec,2011,HD

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    彩色有声 5分58秒 2011 HD


    single channel video,colour,sound,5min 58sec,2011,HD




    In a bunch of unsure burried substances, a pair of hands wearing medical surgical gloves keeps grilling, pulling, wiping with clean alcohol.Finally jade-like smooth female body is exposed.


  • No. 1 Pit

     single channel video,colour,sound,5min 30sec,2011,HD

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    彩色有声 5分30秒 2011 HD





    A candle is the only light source of this video, we seem to peer a ghoul in a night who is sneaking into a cemetery and excavating, but only a flexible bottom is dug out.


  • Comfortable Meat

     single channel video, colour,sound, 6min 07sec,2011,HD

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    单频录像 彩色有声6分07秒 2011 HD


    An Avalokitesvara-likeunknown body uses its hands to wash itself congruously in the bathroom. All seems calm and free.

  • Constant Temperature Planting

     single channel video, color, sound, 5’ 58”, 2011, HD

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    单屏录像 彩色 有声 9分59秒 2011 HD





    A pot of lotus grows in boiling hot water, accelerating its life cycle, and it does not take long to wither.

  • Breathing Earth

    Single channelvideo, color, sound, 4’19” 2010, HD.

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    In this work, thetwo naked bodies are slowly covered by moss. Through this simple behavior, the breathing rhythm tries to echo the frequency of the earth, forming a dialogue
    between the human body and nature.